Scent Safety and Allergies

Eastern Health maintains a scent safe environment for the comfort and safety of our residents, families and staff.

Scented and perfumed products contain chemicals which can cause serious problems for many people, especially those with asthma, allergies and sensitivities.

Scented products may include:

  • Perfume/cologne
  • Deodorant/aftershave
  • Hair spray/body spray
  • Scented creams and lotions
  • Candles/ air fresheners


We ask that you, your visitors and staff please avoid using or bringing in scented products to our long-term care facilities. Visitors who are wearing or bringing in scented products or products that can trigger allergies may be asked to leave or wait outside the facility for health and safety of all involved.

For more information, please see Scent-Free Policy, Eastern Health.


The following items are prohibited at all sites:

  • Poinsettias and Easter Lilies
  • Latex balloons
  • Use of all tobacco products and products that mimic tobacco use, including grounds, parking lots and vehicles parked therein.


  • Pets are permitted, but please notify nursing staff in advance in case other residents or staff have allergies.

Allergenic foods

Some long-term care facilities and/or specific units within the facilities have additional items that are prohibited (i.e. nuts, shellfish, bananas, etc.) if these items pose a safety risk to the people there. You may see signage posted when entering the long-term care facility and/or unit to indicate what items are prohibited. Please check with your long-term-care facility to see if additional restrictions are in place because of allergies.

Resident allergies

Upon admission to along-term care facility, your or your loved ones allergy information will be reviewed and documented on your health record by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse. This information will also be included on your armband should you choose to wear it.

As a resident, it is essential that we know all medication, food, latex, environmental and other allergies that you may have and your reactions to those allergies, so that we can reduce or remove your exposure.


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Last updated: 2020-11-10