Preparing for Placement
Planning and preparing for placement may be difficult for you and your family. At Eastern Health, we believe that asking questions and developing a good plan will help you and your family adjust to the change. We recommend that you prepare for decision making by completing an Advanced Health Care Directive and Power of Attorney prior to your admission.
For information to help you prepare for moving to a long-term care facility, see Long-Term Care Move in Day (PDF).
Placement Services
Placement services will review your application and refer you for long-term care services or respite care as appropriate. Often times, there may not be a vacant bed available that can provide the care you need at the time of your application. When this happens, your name will be added to a waitlist.
Our waitlist is based on need rather than length of time you are on the list. If a suitable bed becomes vacant, and you are assessed as being in the greatest need, you will be offered placement.
Although you are not guaranteed a bed in your preferred long-term care facility, you can request a transfer once you have been admitted. Upon request, a social worker can assist you with the request for transfer.
If you are in hospital waiting for a bed in a long-term care facility, you will be expected to accept the first available bed offered to you – even though it may not be in your preferred facility. This is also true if you are in a personal care home waiting for a bed in a long-term care facility. It is important for you to move to a facility that can best meet your care needs as soon as possible. Remember once you are admitted to the facility offered, you can request a transfer to your site of choice.